
Australia - Australian Convict Sites

Het terrein bestaat uit een selectie van elf strafrechtelijke instellingen – van de duizenden die het Britse Rijk neerzette op Australische bodem in de 18e en 19e eeuw. De gevangenisterreinen zijn verspreid over heel Australië. Rond de 166.000 mannen, vrouwen en kinderen werden tussen 1787 en 1868 door de Britse regering veroordeeld tot deze Australische gevangenenkolonies. Elke plek had een specifiek doel qua gevangenisstraf en rehabilitatiemethode; gedwongen arbeid ter opbouw van de kolonie. De Australische gevangenisterreinen zijn de best bewaarde voorbeelden van grootschalig transport van veroordeelden en de koloniale uitbreiding van de Europese mogendheden door de aanwezigheid en het werk van gevangenen.

There are 11 convict sites (known as the Australian Convict Sites) that make up Australia’s World Heritage. The sites are:

  • New South Wales: Old Government House and Domain (Parramatta), Hyde Park Barracks (Sydney), Cockatoo Island Convict Site (Sydney) and Old Great North Road (near Wiseman’s Ferry).
  • Norfolk Island: Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area (KAVHA).
  • Tasmania: Port Arthur Historic Site (Tasman Peninsula), Cascades Female Factory (Hobart), Darlington Probation Station (Maria Island), Coal Mines Historic Site (via Premadeyna) and Brickendon-Woolmers Estates (near Longford).
  • Western Australia: Fremantle Prison.

The property includes a selection of eleven penal sites, among the thousands established by the British Empire on Australian soil in the 18th and 19th centuries. The sites are spread across Australia, from Fremantle in Western Australia to Kingston and Arthur's Vale on Norfolk Island in the east; and from areas around Sydney in New South Wales in the north, to sites located in Tasmania in the south. Around 166.000 men, women and children were sent to Australia over 80 years between 1787 and 1868, condemned by British justice to transportation to the convict colonies. Each of the sites had a specific purpose, in terms both of punitive imprisonment and of rehabilitation through forced labour to help build the colony. The Australian Convict Sites presents the best surviving examples of large-scale convict transportation and the colonial expansion of European powers through the presence and labour of convicts.


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