
Noorwegen – West-Noorse Fjorden – Geirangerfjord en Nærøyfjord

Geirangerfjord en Nærøyfjord liggen in Zuidwest-Noorwegen ten noordoosten van Bergen. Deze fjorden liggen 120 kilometer van elkaar vandaan en maken deel uit van het West-Noorse fjordlandschap. De twee fjorden, waaronder ’s werelds langste en diepste, worden beschouwd als archetypische fjordlandschappen en ze maken deel uit van de meest opmerkelijke schilderachtige fjorden van de hele wereld. Hun uitzonderlijke natuurlijke schoonheid komt tot uiting in hun smalle en steile rotswanden, die vele watervallen rijk zijn.

Situated in south-western Norway, north-east of Bergen, Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, set 120 km from one another, are part of the west Norwegian fjord landscape, which stretches from Stavanger in the south to Andalsnes, 500 km to the north-east. The two fjords, among the world’s longest and deepest, are considered as archetypical fjord landscapes and among the most scenically outstanding anywhere. Their exceptional natural beauty is derived from their narrow and steep-sided crystalline rock walls that rise up to 1400 m from the Norwegian Sea and extend 500 m below sea level. The sheer walls of the fjords have numerous waterfalls while free-flowing rivers cross their deciduous and coniferous forests to glacial lakes, glaciers and rugged mountains. The landscape features a range of supporting natural phenomena, both terrestrial and marine, such as submarine moraines and marine mammals.


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